Alise Babre, Andis Kalvāns, Aija Dēliņa, Konrāds Popovs, Jānis Bikše

Investigation of surface water – groundwater interactions in the salaca headwaters using water stable isotopes 

Jānis Bikše, Konrāds Popovs, Aija Dēliņa, Andis Kalvāns

Automation of field infiltration tests

Māris Kļaviņš, Oskars Purmalis, Inese Silamiķele

Elemental composition of humic acids from raised bog peat profiles

Jānis Krūmiņš, Māris Kļaviņš, Valdis Segliņš

The composition of fen peat humic substances by means of 3D fluorescence spectroscopy with parallel factor modelling

Valērijs Ņikuļins

The practical significance of seismology in low seismic activity areas: The case of Riga city

Poršņovs Dmitrijs, Kļaviņš Maris, Rodionovs V.

Long-term variability of silicon fluxes in Latvian rivers

Inga Retiķe, Jānis Bikše, Zelma Dumpe, Alise Babre, Andis Kalvāns, Aija Dēliņa, Konrāds Popovs

The quality of spring waters in Latvia



Vita Amatniece

The importance of edaphic factors in the development of oak undergrowth in pine ecosystems in Riga

Dāvis Gruberts

The role of Daugava water level fluctuations and local weather conditions in the hydrology of surface and groundwater in the Dviete floodplain

Māris Kļaviņš, Agrita Briede, Valery Rodinov

Ice regime dynamics of inland and coastal waters in Latvia and factors controlling it

Pēteris Pētersons

Current LGIA projects in photogrammetry

Olga Ritenberga, Gunta Kalvāne

Trends in the aerobic biological and phenological processes of birch in Latvia from 2003 to 2014

Juris Soms, Normunds Stivriņš, Evita Muižniece-Treija

Glaciokarstic origin relief in the Augšdaugava depression: geomorphological characterization and paleo-geographical aspects of local landscape conditions

Ivars Strautnieks, Jurģis Armans, Ineta Grīne

Relief and its structural features in the western part of the Lielauce-Zebrene glaciodepression

Iveta Šteinberga

Assessment of the impact of meteorological factors on the regulation of anthropogenic origin aerosol atmospheric pollution

Andrejs Zubanicš, Līga Klints

Analysis of short-term hydrological forecasts based on weather forecasts from different numerical meteorological models



Anna Āboliņa, Māris Bērziņš, Zaiga Krišjāne

Migration biographies in the study of youth mobility: A case of one class 

Ģirts Burgmanis, Elīna Apsīte-Beriņa

Geographical mobility of young people: reasons and attractions

Ģirts Burgmanis, Iveta Sproģe

Geographical mobility of youth and accessibility of activities in Jelgava Municipality

Aleksandrs Dahs

Terrritorial differentiation of population mortality in the Baltic States

Līga Feldmane

The neighborhood factor in residential location choice in the city of Jelgava

Mihails Kozlovs, Jelena Kostromina

The impact of immigration on economic development: A case study of the Mari El Republic of the Russian Federation and Latvia

Zaiga Krišjāne, Elīna Apsīte-Beriņa, Ineta Grīne, Māris Bērziņš, Ginta Joča

Migration processes in remote regions of Latvia: The border areas of Latgale and Selija

Jānis Krūmiņš

Geographical mobility characteristics in the Riga agglomeration: A comparison of internal and external zones

Aija Lulle

Mobilizing the diaspora: Opportunities for societal renewal in Latvia

Jānis Paiders, Elīna Apsīte-Beriņa

The impact of international student migration on population decline trends in Latvia

Toms Skadiņš

Internal migration in the internal zone of the Riga agglomeration: A case study of Babite Municipality

Baiba Švāne, Jānis Kleperis, Elīna Apsīte-Beriņa

The geography of emigration from Latvia



Antons Berjoza, Juris Paiders

The use of relative frequency assessment methods in studying the development trends of Latvia's primary export sectors

Viktorija Borisova, Juris Paiders

The impact of the suburban railway network's spatial development on population mobility in the 1930s

Zane Cekula

Geographical objects and their names in the general survey map of the Daugavpils district (M 1:84,000) and today

Ilgvars Francis

The use of an integrated analysis and forecasting tool in regional development planning in Latvia

Ineta Grīne, Undīne Grigorjeva, Dita Anančonoka, Egīna Šenberga, Toms Vanders

Seasonal settlement in rural areas of Latvia

Ženija Krūzmētra, Dina Bite, Linda Lotiņa

Rural municipalities as agents of community renewal

Juris Paiders, Santa Smirnova

Population distribution and the concentration of commercial objects along the main highways in Latvia

Rihards Provejs, Māris Bērziņš, Zaiga Krišjāne

The diversity of large-scale residential areas in Riga in terms of population composition and the evaluation of the attractiveness of the living environment 

Armands Pužulis, Laila Kūle

In the context of the declining understanding of the development of Latvian rural space and places

Maija Rozīte, Aija van der Steina, Albert Postma

The urban environment of Riga in the context of tourism development: The attitude of local residents

Daina Vinklere

Tourism as a factor promoting the well-being of residents in Latvia's coastal municipalities

Aivars Spalviņš, Kaspars Krauklis

The Latvian hydrogeological model LAMO4 – a tool for studying natural processes. Groundwater inflow sources of the Iecava River



In memory of geographer Valija Klanei