Kalnina, L., Cerina, A., Zvagina, I., Grine, I.

Floating Lake Nut (Trapa natans) - A Witness of Natural and Human History in Latvia

Kalvane, G., Kalvans, A.

The Flowering of Bird Cherry (Padus racemosa) in Latvia: 100 Years Ago and Today

Steinberga, I.

Long-Term Changes in Atmospheric Pollution in Latvia: Future Projections

Muizniece-Treija, E.

Odor Problems in Riga Caused by Polluting Activities 

Turlajs, J.

Latvia among Word Countries by Standard of Living in the 1930s and Today

Berjoza, A.

Latvian Agricultural and Forestry Commodities in International Market Flows in the 21st Century 

Klepers, A.

Tourism Destination Management Issues in Latvia 

Grine, I., Strautnieks, I.

Changes in Settlement and Landscape in Amata Village After 2000  

Skadins, T.

Settlement of the Riga Agglomeration and Its Changes 

Krumins, J.

Population Composition and Migration Patterns in the Riga agglomeration 

Kairjaka, M.

The environmental impact of urban shrinkage. A Case Study of Ventspils 

Paiders, J.

Study of the Soviet Military Infrastructure in the Territory of Latvia 

Matvejs, J.

 "Comfortable Communism": the representation of Living Spaces in Riga in Soviet-Era Art Films 

Eglite, P.

Migration Research Experience in Soviet Latvia  

Krumins, J., Dahs, A., Berzins, A.

Population Migration Features and Determining Factors in Regions of Latvia 

Feldmane, L., Apsite-Berina, E., Burgmanis, G.

Life Satisfaction and Geographical Mobility: Theoretical Framework 

Krisjane, Z., Apsite-Berina, E., Berzins, M., Sechi, G., Skadins, T.

 Youth Return Migration in Europe: Benefits and Challenges