Laimdota Kalniņa, Aija Ceriņa, Valdis Bērziņš 

Palaeo-geographic changes in the Sārnate former lagoon area 

Strautnieks, I., Deksne, E., Kalniņa, L., Ceriņa, A., Štube, A.

Changes of the palaeo-geographical conditions in the Lake Usma depression during the end of the Late Glacial and the Holocene 

Līga Paparde, Laimdota Kalniņa, Aija Ceriņa, Ilze Loze, Ivars Strautnieks, Jānis Dreimanis 

Evidence of palaeo-climate changes and their impact on sediment accumulation conditions in the Lubāns Stone-Age settlement areas

Jānis Dreimanis, Laimdota Kalniņa, Līga Paparde, Elīna Deksne 

Changes of peat properties in differently affected parts of the Lauga Bog 

Māris Kļaviņš, Jānis Šīre, Laura Kļaviņa 

Humic substances and the potential of their use in agriculture



Reinis Bitenieks, Laimdota Kalniņa, Ingrīda Krīgere, Jānis Dreimanis

Characteristics of peat properties from extracted peatlands in the context of sustainable management 

Olga Ritenberga

Fitness of air quality measurement equipment for real-time aerobiological monitoring: case study from Rīga 

Agnese Reķe, Anita Zariņa, Solvita Rūsiņa 

Landscape of semi-wild large herbivores in the specially protected nature territories of Latvia

Arta Krūmiņa, Jānis Kotāns, Jānis Puga, Ilze Reinika, Gita Strode 

Nature census – the first detailed, scientifically-grounded information about Latvia’s nature values 



Juris Paiders 

Projected changes in the number of inhabitants of Latvia in the event of the stabilization of emigration

Mihails Kozlovs 

Emigration and remittances pattern analysis in lagging-behind regions of the Baltics: case studies for Narva, Daugavpils and Visaginas

Elīna Apsīte-Beriņa, Ģirts Burgmanis, Zaiga Krišjāne 

Exploring labour migration from Latvia: geographies of origin

Inese Šūpule 

Mobility motivations and experiences of highly skilled Latvians abroad

Baiba Švāne 

Socio-demographic composition of the geographically immobile urban population

Jānis Krūmiņš, Māris Bērziņš, Zaiga Krišjāne 

Residential patterns of in-migrants in Rīga 



Toms Skadiņš 

Defining the commuting regions of Latvia

Līga Feldmane

Inner city or outskirts: where are residents more satisfied? The case of Jelgava

Ineta Grīne, Inese Mieze 

The process of suburbanization in Babīte rural municipality after the year 2000

Margarita Kairjaka 

Diversity of gentrification in the inner cities of Rīga and Prague – the case of Āgenskalns and Holešovice 

Jānis Matvejs 

Imposed Stalinism: narrating Rīga’s urban space through Soviet films from 1945 to 1953



Daina Vinklere

Tourism information providers in Latvia: development and challenges