Geographical objects and their names in the Dinaburg County General Survey Plan (scale 1:84 000) and today
Zane Cekula
Latvian Geospatial Information Agency, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Research Institute of Regional Studies
DOI: 10.22364/fg.15.31
Keywords: Dinaburga, geographical objects, names, place names
This article discusses the place names of the cadastral plan of Dinaburg County prepared approx. 230 years ago (when Latgale was incorporated into the territory of Russia), in order to show place name changes over time and complete the Place Name Database of Latvia. The place names have been georeferenced, summarized in a table and entered into the Place Name Database if the geographical feature still exists. The vast majority of geographical features still exist today. However, in some cases, the geographical feature has disappeared. For example, a lake north of the village Nīcgale was drawn on the map, but such a lake no longer exists. Names of small rivers also often disappear, or differ from the present names in the Place Name Database. Lake names have survived better, e.g., Dotka (озе: Дотка). However, lake names have also been changed, e.g., Dublinīku ezers, previously named озе: Донашунь.