Glaciolacustrine relief in the Upper Daugava Lowland: geomorphological characteristics and palaeogeographical aspects of local landscape conditions

Juris Soms

University of Daugavpils

Normunds Stivrins

University of Helsinki

Evita Muizniece-Treija

University of Latvia

DOI: 10.22364/fg.15.13

Keywords: glaciokarst depressions, Upper Daugava depression


The paper presents results of research providing information on the morphology of landforms of glaciokarst origin and paleogeographic reconstruction of local landscape and environment conditions of nearest surroundings adjacent to these relief features towards the end of Pleistocene and the beginning of Holocene. The obtained data indicate that regarding morphometry, glaciokarst kettles under study are similar to formations of this group of landforms located elsewhere in Latvia and Northern Europe. Infilling of kettles by organic sediments began about 10,700 cal. yr BP, and this corresponds to results obtained in other studies about the chronology of environmental changes and dynamics of the paleogeographic situation in the eastern Latvia.