Latvian hydrogeological model LAMO4 - a tool for studying natural processes. Sources of underground inflow to the Iecava River
Aivars Spalvins
RTU Environment Modelling Centre
Kaspars Krauklis
RTU Environment Modelling Centre
DOI: 10.22364/fg.15.40
Keywords: hydrogeological model, river catchment area, underground river inflow
The hydrogeological model (HM) of Latvia, version LAMO4, was used as the driver for the MODPATH program. The attempt was made to find sources of the river base flow of the Iecava River. Unforeseen results were obtained: many sources were located very far from the river catchment area. The shape of pathlines is very complex even within the catchment area. The results of this numerical experiment demonstrate usefulness of applying a large regional HM, like LAMO4, for investigating the diverse nature processes.