Neighbourhood factor in the choice of place to live in Jelgava

Liga Feldmane

University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences 

DOI: 10.22364/fg.15.21

Keywords: Jelgava, neighbourhoods, migration


In this study, trends in population migration to various neighbourhoods in the city of Jelgava are analyzed, and correlations are investigated between immigrants’ source municipalities, demographic indicators and neighbourhood preferences. The results suggest that most immigrants choose neighbourhoods in the central part of the city, and that migrants’ previous place of residence, age and marital status are important factors in the choice of residence. Young people more often move to the city's central neighbourhoods, while the outskirts of the city are popular among families with children and senior citizens. Residents of the Rīga metropolitan area often choose neighbourhoods closer to the capital city, but residents of Vidzeme and Latgale - the central part of Jelgava.