Using the Relative Frequency Estimation Method to Study Development Trends in Latvia's Primary Export Industries

Antons Berjoza

University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences 

Juris Paiders

University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences 

DOI: 10.22364/fg.15.29

Keywords: export, data analysis, delivery frequency


This article provides an overview of changes and trends in the export of commodities produced by Latvia’s primary economic sectors: agriculture, fishing and forestry. A wide range of available statistics and published scientific works are considered. Statistical analysis of exports utilizes the frequency method and investigates the most stable and constant Latvian export markets. General data were acquired from the Latvian Central Statistics Bureau for the period of 2000 to 2013. The main analytical method was the Fisher φ function. Analysis shows that the most stable Latvian export markets are as follows: the nations of the Baltic Sea Region; Latvia’s closest neighbours; and additionally, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom. Other important markets in and outside Europe were also identified. The applied method allowed for casual markets to be found, where export destination was determined by factors other than pure economic gain. End data also confirmed that frequency analysis is viable for utilisation in economic geography research – its application should be deepened and further developed.