Latvian Agricultural and Forestry Commodities in International Market Flows in the 21st Century

Antons Berjoza

University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences

DOI: 10.22364/fg.16.6

Keywords: export, import, data analysis, delivery frequency


Paper overlooks an exploration of changes and tendencies in the Latvian international trade of commodities of agricultural, fishery and forestry sectors. This is being done by applying wide range of available statistics and published scientific works. Export statistical analysis is made utilizing frequency method and explores Latvian export/import most stable and constant markets. General data were acquired from Latvian Central Statistics Board for the period from 2000 till 2016. Main analytical method was Fisher φ function. Analysis shows that a lot of good trades between Latvia and it partners are moving according to some particular laws and tendencies. A strong relation between West-East flows was found. Some commodity categories exhibited North-South tendencies, especially in characterizing the flow of basic foodstuffs. Overall it can be noted that international trade of Latvia in sectors of agriculture, fishery and forestry is proactive and developing into a more EU focused network, though significant influence of post-soviet space economies remains evident.