Long-Term Changes in Atmospheric Pollution in Latvia: Future Projections
Iveta Steinberga
University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
DOI: 10.22364/fg.16.3
Keywords: atmosphere, emissions, emissions strategy, Latvia
Assessment of spatial and temporal atmospheric pollution leads to consequences covering several fields – pollution level per se, economical assessment, health effects (morbidity and mortality), and changes in biological diversity. Atmospheric pollution should be assessed very wide, no any barriers and country borders acts. It`s calculated that annually about 400 000 (in Latvia – 2080) premature deaths belongs to high particle pollution level and about 70 000 (in Latvia – 100) premature deaths belongs to extremely high pollution with nitrogen dioxides. More over direct economic losses exceeds 15 billion EUR from workdays lost, 4 billion EUR loses due to healthcare costs and 3 billion for crop yield lost. This research describes policy and instruments introduced in emission mitigation in order to improve air quality either in Europe and Latvia.