Odor Problems in Riga Caused by Polluting Activities
Evita Muizniece-Treija
University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
DOI: 10.22364/fg.16.4
Keywords: odour units, gas analysis, Riga, pollution
The best odour indicator still is a human nose, thus, within the framework of the studies, the analysis of odours in Riga and complaints received by the State Environmental Service and the State Fire and Rescue Service the objects (companies) performing polluting activities resulting in odour emission were identified, an analysis of the odour emission limit projects developed by the companies was carried out, sites where odour nuisance emission is possible were identified and inspected, the odour concentration and air pollutants were determined. Most of all, inhabitants of Riga perceive oil product odours, thus the largest number of complaints was received from Sarkandaugava, Kundzinsala, Mangalsala, Milgravis, Vecmilgravis and Petersala-Andrejsala.