Evidence of palaeo-climate changes and their impact on sediment accumulation conditions in the Lubāns Stone-Age settlement areas

Liga Paparde

University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences

Laimdota Kalnina

University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences

Aija Cerina

University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences

Ilze Loze

University of Latvia, Institute of Latvian History

Ivars Strautnieks

University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences

Janis Dreimanis

University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences

DOI: 10.22364/fg.17.3

Keywords: Paludification, sediment accumulation, loss on ignition, Stone-Age


Changes in palaeo-climate and palaeo-geographic conditions have influenced palaeo-vegetation and sediment accumulation conditions during the development of Lake Lubāns. These circumstances have also affected human life conditions and the distribution of Stone-Age settlement sites. To discover notions about evidence of sediment accumulation condition changes and reconstruct the palaeo-geographic conditions of Lake Lubāns, studies were undertaken in Stone-Age settlement areas and the palaeo-lake’s overgrown and paludificated territories. The investigations for this study were based on field work, including sampling, geological coring and probing, obtaining and documenting samples of sediments, as well as laboratory analysis on aspects such as loss on ignition, pollen and macroscopic remain analysis. The results have allowed us to make the conclusion that the most essential of reasons why Stone-Age people changed the sites of their settlements was due to lake water level fluctuations as well as to overgrowing and paludificating of the lake bays and shores.