Development of Latvian peat industry over last 100 years
Ingrida Krigere
University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
DOI: 10.22364/fg.18.9
Keywords: peat, substrate production, horticulture, energy, export
Various economic, political and social developments influenced the development of the peat extraction industry in Latvia during the 20th century. In comparison with some other European countries, where peat had been used for the needs of the energy sector for several centuries, the development of peat industry in Latvia was somewhat different. The aim of this study was to find out the nature of the development of the peat industry based on an analysis of historical information and a comparison of advantages over other European countries. In order to understand the changes and factors influencing the development of the peat industry in Latvia, it was necessary to identify and evaluate peat extraction volumes, changes in peat use purposes and technologies, as well as factors influencing the industry’s development. A comparison of historical data on peat industry development in Latvia and in other European countries reveals a number of differences. Latvia was the first country in Europe to restructure peat extraction from using peat for energy to extracting and processing it for horticultural needs. Large amounts of peat were used for combustion in Latvia only for a relatively short time: between 1960 and 1990. Peat extraction decreased significantly in 1992 – a time when export markets were beginning to develop. Since 2003, more than 90% of extracted peat has been exported, mainly for the horticultural peat market.