Local history and geographical education in Latvia
Natalija Buile
Latvian Geographical Society, LNK secondary school
DOI: 10.22364/fg.18.12
Keywords: local and regional history research, geography education, study tours, Latvian Geographical Society
Since its establishment in 1923, the Latvian Geographical Society has been a non-governmental organisation that brings together geographers and people who are interested in research into nature and human geography. Local history and geography has always been an integral part of the teaching process. Today, the knowledge held by members of the society and the research-based educational work carried out by the society about different cities and regions for the improvement of the study content of Latvian geography is diverse. The Latvian Geographical Society cooperates most extensively with local government, organising seminars and conferences in Latvia at the regional level. This cooperation has helped teachers to schedule lessons and excursions outside the classroom.