Regional needs assessment: an approach to demographic and migration research

Apsite-Berina Elina

University of Latvia

Bela Baiba

University of Latvia

Berzins Maris

University of Latvia

Bite Dina

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technology

Krisjane Zaiga

University of Latvia

Krumins Juris

University of Latvia

Kruzmetra Zenija

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technology

Velta Lubkina

Rezekne Academy of Technologies

DOI: 10.22364/fg.18.1

Keywords: demographic and migration challenges, regions, Latvia, needs assessment


This study exposes approaches to "collective creativity"by adopting a regional needs assessment through the World Café method. A multidisciplinary team of researchers and stakeholders worked together to identify needs within the region by using the World Café method and enhancing participation in policy-making. The paper aims to describe regional needs assessment as a useful approach for studying demographic and migration challenges in the regions of Latvia. The formal outcomes of the project are policy recommendations which have been used for the elaboration of planning documents at the national, regional and local level. Moreover, this approach also fostered positive collaborative practices among scientists and policymakers, including scientists who come from various disciplines and found a common platform for the solution of problems.