Residential satisfaction and the factors affecting it in a second-tier city
Liga Feldmane
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
DOI: 10.22364/fg.19.8
Keywords: residential satisfaction, second-tier city, spatial differences
Studies of residential satisfaction can help to investigate and improve the emotional state of society and overall satisfaction with life, which is especially important in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is based on the population survey in one of the second-tier cities of Latvia, Jelgava, with the aim of investigating the main factors that impact residential satisfaction in a second-tier city. Based on the characteristics of the residential satisfaction assessment of the urban environment in the study, the factors of the urban environment that affect the residential satisfaction assessment by the city’s population are identified, of which the most important factor is the quality of the environment and personal safety. The study reveals that residential satisfaction is impacted by various demographic, socio-economic, housing and migration characteristics of the population.