Professor Reinholds Putnins and academic geography in Latvia
Maris Laivins
Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava"
Elina Apsite-Berina
University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
DOI: 10.22364/fg.20.1.3
Keywords: geography, academic education, Latvia, Reinholds Putniņš
This article provides an important insight into the development of academic geography in Latvia. It lays out the key events from the formation of Latvian Geography Union and more specifically about the union’s first president Reinholds Putniņš. R. Putniņš was one of the leaders in academic field of geography in Latvia, when the foundations were just starting to form. He got his diploma in Saint Petersburg University, gained experience in other countries across Latvia’s border that led him to be a strong academic figure to apply his knowledge back in his home country. He formed the union in 1923 and gave lectures in the University of Latvia for almost 15 years. During his time strong geographers and researchers developed their knowledge and skills leading to build a steady pavement for further academic development not only in geography, but also in mathematics and physics. The article provides an overview of the academic and non-academic publications of R. Putniņš as well as other influential students and geographers of the time. Research articles, carrier descriptions and key events allow to reconstruct the timeline of the history of academic geography in Latvia. Significant is the fact that R. Putniņs was not only a well-known professor and scientist, but also published poetry and prose, once again emphasizing his ability to see geography as a profound and interdisciplinary field, despite the fact that he was specialised in physical geography.