Diaspora engagement for development: multinational networking by diaspora professionals

Baiba Bela

University of Latvia, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology

Inta Mierina

University of Latvia, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology

DOI: 10.22364/fg.20.2.11

Keywords: migration, diaspora engagement, high-skilled professionals


The paper investigates diaspora engagement in Latvia’s development, by analysing diaspora professionals’ multinational and multilevel networking and cooperation practices with Latvian public administration. The main questions addressed in this paper are: 1) what type of support is provided by diaspora professionals? 2) are there any links between geographical location, institutional affiliation, and networking and cooperation practices at the individual and organisational level? The study was carried out using parallel mixed methods research design. The main results show that Latvian diaspora professionals working at international organisations are willing to cooperate with representatives of Latvia. Even though respondents evaluate existing cooperation opportunities as being rather good, just 56% of respondents have had some cooperation with representatives of Latvia over the last five years. An important key finding on factors contributing to or hindering cooperation and networking at an institutional level was that it is not geographical location itself, but an institutional culture of cooperation and strategic vision on the part of the state or institution responsible for this cooperation that matters the most. Today, cooperation and networking take place primary at the individual level – as a result of pro-active searching for cooperation possibilities on the part of diaspora professionals, and as a result of specific interests, openness, motivation and strategic vision on the part of employees of Latvian public administration.